Why is it my fav?
_the mood is... really nice especially the person alone on the field_
Where is it from?
_it's a photo from the school field...?_
Does it have sentimental meaning to you?
_yes because it was the first snow that we had in winter 2010
and the lonliness_
What would you title it?
_black and white_
REVIEW of the YEAR so far
What is your favourite assignment and why?
_every project was fun and interesting, but the studio ones that I've done were nice
especially the painting with light and the theatrical project we're doing right now!_
What is your least favourite project and why?
_the least favourite was probably the double esposure because the project itself was fun
but the film devloper went wrong + my film went missing....._
What would you change if you could with the course?
_um..... to be honest I don't think there's anything that I'd like to change about this course
cuz it's awesome!! :)_
What photography style. technique. camera. do you want to try?
_I want to try the traditional film cameras and do more studio stuff because I'm still awkward with it_