Thursday, December 16, 2010

Dec. Random Roll



ok you know what
I'm getting into the habbit of stalking art pieces in Ms. Crawford's room! D:
but there's so many cool stuff in there I have to take pictures!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Macro Shots!


_best shots_

many shots were shaky because of lack of light + somehow,
as I put the aperture up, the more shakier it got! D:
so these are the FEW shots that were actually recognizable :P

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Aperture Pictures



macro coming soon!

Aperture + Macro Pictures

------------- FOUND EXAMPLES ----------------

------------- FOUND EXAMPLES ----------------

Thursday, December 2, 2010


Define the following, put in your journal:
1. Aperture/F-stop- aperture controls the amount of light let in(the same in the optical system)

2. Aperture Priority- makes one set aperture, but camera chooses shutter speed

3. Ambient Light Ambient light is the available light in a room, whether by natural or mechanical sources.

 4. Artificial Light- gives one complete control over the direction, quality, and strength of the light

5.  ASA/ISO/Film Speed -

6. Bracket - produces a series of images that are both darker and light than the metered exposure

7. Depth of Field - the distance between the closest distance and the farthest distance that is in focus
(is controlled by the f stop, the focal length of the lens, subject distance from the camera and the subject distance from the background)

8.Exposure Triangle -

9.How to Control Depth of Field -

 F number control

 Subject Distance

Focal Length

10. Light Meter -  light meter is often used to determine the proper exposure for a photograph